Monday, July 27, 2009



Hail fellow admirals! As I continue to tire of warhammer, I've found myself wishing I could get more BFG action in. So full of optimism, here's a blog dedicated to my Battlefleet Gothic antics - battle reports for ever engagement (4 for 2009 already!), modeling updates, list scheming, etc. I currently just have my CSM fleet, sitting at a cool 2k wit some extra ships in the bay. Though I'm feeling the need to expand once again - demonship, planetkiller - I'm also jonesing hard for a new fleet. I'm thinking Dark Eldar, and will post up later what I've got in mind ...

In the mean time, here's my fairly bloated 2000 point Noise Fleet:

Desolator "Distortius Maximus" - Warmaster Devour, MoS, CSM crew, reroll
Acheron "Bassgod" - Lord Pharron, MoS, CSM crew, reroll
Acheron "Noisex" - Lord Arcadis, MoS, CSM crew, reroll
Devastation "Ecstatic Seizures"
Carnage "Cacophonic"
Carnage "Reverbirator"
Slaughter "Noise Attak"
3 Infidel "Minions of Darkness"
2 Iconoclast "Slaves to Torment"
1 Idolator "The Gimp"

I much prefer to play 1500 (same list, no desolator or idolator) or 1000 (5 cruiser classic chaos fleet), but the dessy is pretty intense.

Coming Soon: Noise Fleet vs AdMech @ 1500


1 comment:

  1. great to see another BFG blogger. I primarily blog BFG at rather than at richmondwarmancers. I have added you to my blog roll already. If you set your blog to allow followers, I'll follow your blog as well.

    feel free to email me at

    btw, we all had a great time gaming that afternoon and really appreciate you playing with us.

    cheers and good hunting!
